Emergency Dental Visits
If something is broken, a crown has fallen off, or you are experiencing pain, please call the office (604-946-8555) and we will book you in for an appointment as soon as possible. We will try to solve the problem at that visit, but it can require multiple visits or a referral. If it is in your best interest, and because we strive to provide you with the best possible care, we may refer out to a specialist for certain procedures.
If a tooth has come out completely, please do the following:
- A baby tooth: do not put back in, book in an appointment
- An adult tooth: only the white part of the tooth. If it is dirty, wash it for less than 10 seconds in cold water. Try to place it back in the mouth and bite on a cloth to hold it in place. If not, place it in milk, saline or Hank’s Balanced Storage Medium. Book an appointment immediately.
Chipped Tooth
If you have a chipped tooth please call in and book to see a dentist right away.
Tooth Ache
One of the common causes of dental pain is dental decay that has extended toward the nerve. If you are experiencing throbbing, waking up to pain during the night, and/or swelling, it would be wise to book an appointment. If the pain is left untreated, the tooth can eventually die and/or become infected which can lead to an abscess. If an appointment is not available or the office is not open, see a Medical Doctor for medication to help treat the symptoms until you’re able to see a Dentist.
If you notice swelling that is gradually worsening, have any trouble swallowing, or vision loss, please go to emergency immediately.
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